2017년 6월 28일 수요일

Cron Job and Bash shell script to make backup file periodically

Bash shell script and cron job to make tar backup file (such as 2017-06-27.tar)


If you would like to make a backup file every day, just write like following script.


The following file_backup.sh bash script makes tar archive file every day.

$ cat  /root/file_backup.sh



# Example, MY_DATE: 2017-06-27

set MY_DATE = `date -d "-1 days" +%Y-%m-%d`

echo "date : $MY_DATE"

cd /root/data_dir

# Following command makes tar file which contains ‘peter’ subdirectory and file name is *2017-06-28*

find ./*/*/peter/ -name "*$MY_DATE*" -print | tar cfz ./daily_compress/SAINT_$MY_DATE.tar --files-from -


And then, configure cron table like followings

This cron job runs /root/file_backup.sh 03:00 AM every day

$ contab e

00 03 * * *  /root/file_backup.sh


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